Posted in Daily Prompt

To get involved in community….πŸ€”πŸ€”

What do you do to be involved in the community?

I actually have rarely got involved in the social community because I haven’t seen or much involved in anything for many years…..

Other thing is rarely people or few try to know or understand the sincere me….πŸ˜…. I actually don’t know why? Is the world like that…or my thought…..still wondering πŸ€”πŸ™„. If any one have any suggestions about it folks let me know in the comments below….

So for me when meeting people I feel that I am from other planet because I face problem in communication with people around me……The only involment for me or meeting people was through church and knowing some community or culture was through social media & writing blogs…..About virtual world I don’t know…..πŸ˜…. This is my actual truth….πŸ˜….

May be in future….I can get involved or know the world…..


Rittu Sara Raju πŸ™‚

Have a nice day folks!!!

New Testement:

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Matthew 18:20

Posted in Daily Prompt

Any brand with good quality…list of brand will be manyπŸ™‚πŸ˜ƒ…

What are your favorite brands and why?

Every brand I like as long as the quality & durability is good….and as along the price I can afford but not to a brand like Gucci , Loui Vitton…or other luxury brand as I can’t afford it…..also my taste of styles is different …. some may be fan of the brand….it’s  just my opinion….or neither I will waste money for that πŸ˜…..

Quality wise they might be good I agreed but I guess not everyone can afford it or nor everyone will invest in it right….In first tier countries or cities people can surely invest in it….

Anyways in my case I can invest some money for some good traditional indian sarees for sure….if it’s of high quality because it last long….Other thing is Because I am a fan of sarees & linen style clothing so I can do that….other is I like good long lasting bags….

Brands name you ask the list may be many like I can list some H&M , Marks & Spencer, Van Heusen, Allen Solly, Lavie, Tommy Hilfiger, Fab India, Westside and so on….

All brands I can’t list here ryt then list will go on an on πŸ˜‚. Hope you like it folks!!

“Simple, humble, yet stylish: because true elegance doesn’t need to shout to be noticed.”


Rittu Sara RajuπŸ™‚

Posted in Daily Prompt

God and ParentsπŸ™πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦πŸ‘«πŸ‘¬πŸ˜ƒ

List the people you admire and look to for advice…

Ok Let take about the list of people:

  1. Turn to God for guidance πŸ™
  2. Trust your sincere parents for advice πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§
  3. Be true to yourself and don’t let others shape your future πŸ’ͺ
  4. Follow your instincts, but seek wisdom from trusted individuals during confusion πŸ€”
  5. Ask friends for help with class-related queries 🀝
  6. Turn to teachers for deeper understanding πŸ“š
  7. Rely on experienced individuals or educational resources like books and research papers for guidance πŸ“–
  8. Don’t hesitate to ask how you can help or improve, as no one is perfect πŸ†˜
  9. Learn to differentiate between feedback for business and personal advice. For business like after shopping they ask their customers how was your shopping experience ? It’s like randomly customers clicking smiley faces or giving advice its nice, ok, some might be genuine while some might not. While for personal advice it might not be the same it has to be take from right person which should be genuine πŸ“Š
  10. In today’s digital age, seeking advice from sources like ChatGPT is common πŸ’¬

Ultimately, rely on God, parents, and trusted loved ones for guidance and protection πŸ›‘οΈ.

Even though I might be young to advice something , I hope my words are helpful to some.

Everyone has their own preferences, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below! πŸ’¬

“Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.” –

Proverbs 19:20 (NIV)
Posted in Daily Prompt

Christmas, New year, Easter….& many…..πŸ˜ƒ

What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

If I say about favorite holiday it will be Christmas, New Year & Easter…..I do like other holidays also….

Ok let’s discuss why I like πŸ˜…

“Ah, the holiday season – a time filled with joy, reflection, and the celebration of faith. ✨ As we journey through this festive time of year, it’s hard not to be swept up in the magic and wonder of it all. πŸŽ„ But amidst the twinkling lights and cheerful carols, it’s important to remember the deeper meanings behind our favorite holidays.

Then the story of Jesus Christ……3 wise mens visiting to meet baby Jesus Christ….πŸ˜‡

Let’s start with Christmas, the cornerstone of the season. For Christians around the world, Christmas is a time to rejoice in the birth of Jesus Christ. 🌟 It’s a celebration of hope, love, and the promise of salvation. The story of the nativity reminds us of the humble beginnings of our Savior, born in a manger amidst angels and shepherds. And as we gather with family and friends to exchange gifts and share meals, cakes….decoration & Christmas tree…we are reminded of the greatest gift of all – God’s boundless love for humanity. 🎁

Next, we have New Year’s Eve – a time for reflection and renewal. πŸŽ‰ While not inherently religious, the transition from one year to the next offers an opportunity for spiritual growth and self-improvement. It’s a time to look back on the past year with gratitude and forward to the new year with hope and anticipation. As we set goals and resolutions for the year ahead, we are reminded of our capacity for growth and our reliance on God’s guidance and grace. πŸ₯‚

And finally, Easter – the holiest day in the Christian calendar. 🐣 Easter is a time to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the triumph of life over death. It’s a celebration of faith, forgiveness, and new beginnings. The story of Jesus’ death and resurrection reminds us of the power of redemption and the promise of eternal life. As we gather for Easter services and share in the joy of the empty tomb, we are reminded of the hope that is found in Christ alone. ✝️

Beyond these cherished celebrations, the holiday calendar is peppered with diverse festivities, each holding its own cultural and religious significance. From Hanukkah’s glowing menorahs symbolizing hope and perseverance, to Diwali’s vibrant lights illuminating the victory of good over evil, and Ramadan’s fasting and reflection fostering spiritual growth and community solidarity, these holidays enrich our lives with their traditions and teachings. Together, they form a tapestry of faith, culture, and humanity, reminding us of the beauty and diversity of our shared world. πŸ•―οΈπŸ•ŽπŸ•‹”


Rittu Sara Raju πŸ™‚πŸ˜

Posted in Daily Prompt

Everytime, Everyday….when catch with new thing….

When do you feel most productive?

If I say about productive, we are the one who make things productive like I think when peaceful place and good environment are there then one can observe more productivity. Other things is u also can be productive where your appreciated not a place where you are insulted…..Sometimes doings things by own can also help improve our creativity…..πŸ˜ƒ

Remember we are the one who should take care of ourselves because we don’t know any one in this world… they are, what they are we will meet many people in our life some may be a good guide, some may be good friends  and some may be good people while we may also meet negative people as well…..No one is so perfect in this world so we are no one to judge or take credit of anyone…..

Next other is never ever hurt a person by a word. A single word itself is enough which can hurt or can sometimes destroy someone’s life. It’s just like killing someone without killing just by using words….just put their shoe in yours you can realize…..

Ok you may think why I am saying  this right it’s because these are the reasons why many talented people who are good in certain field goes down……What if God points outs each and everyone’s faults then, we will be no where……

My advice….ok leave it my experience what I think is when you do things alone you will learn something and will be more productive and creative,  no matter how much times it fails. Just as a new born baby learn to walk. We all should be like that….I just said my view….now everyone has their

If I say I was a person who don’t even know how to use or make blog or vlog video editing at start but eventually I learned how to do. Blog making is infact difficult to make the page but I wanted to try……I failed many times in blog making I experimentedΒ  it many times….but learned…..till I will say I have to learn things…. practical things teaches us…..this is how we can be productive and creative. I neither had any course or any class on it but I had dedication I want to do it at any cost & I made it, now the only thing is I have to monetize the channels currently using subdomain but eventually use a domain and hosting planning after learningΒ  much😁….Ok I will learn than also….🀞There are many experiences like that…..Anyways folksΒ  Hope you like it….

RememberπŸ’‘: Be yourself and be your own example God has gifted you talents…..just we have to come out and use it….there may be many to pull you back but never give up….as long as you believe God is with you…….πŸ™πŸ™πŸ§Ώ


Rittu Sara RajuπŸ™‚

Failures are stepping stones to Sucess😁. So keep going……

Posted in Daily Prompt

Many things….Let’s Take AI

What topics do you like to discuss?

Above i have pinned a gif on how AI takes interviews of humans. AI is very much advanced today…..πŸ˜…

Prompt must have given a certain topic πŸ˜… There are many topics that I can discuss….Like some life history which can be discussed….learning & academic,Β  science & Tech, Lifestyle,Β  Mindfulness,Β  Health tips etc……

Ok First let’s take a topic about AI Technology:

What is Natural Language Processing ( NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of AI focused on how computers interact with human language. Examples include language translation, sentiment analysis, chatbots, speech recognition, named entity recognition, text summarization, question answering systems, and language generation. NLP enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language, enhancing communication and enabling intelligent interactions between humans and computers.


1. Language Translation: Google

2. TranslateSentiment Analysis: Social media monitoring tools

3.Chatbots: Virtual assistants like Siri

Chatbots employ NLP to understand user queries and provide appropriate responses in natural language. They can answer questions, provide customer support, or assist with tasks like booking appointments or ordering food, all through text or speech interactions.

4.Speech Recognition: Voice assistants like Alexa

5.Named Entity Recognition (NER): Information extraction systemsText

6. Summarization: Executive summary generation tools.

NLP algorithms can summarize long pieces of text by identifying key information and condensing it into a shorter form. This is useful for tasks like generating executive summaries, extracting main points from news articles, or summarizing research papers.

7.Question Answering Systems: Search engines Language

8.Generation: Content generation platforms

NLP models can generate human-like text based on input prompts. This is used in applications like content generation, storytelling, and dialogue systems, where the model generates coherent and contextually relevant text.

I hope everyone may be aware about it….Artificial intelligence…..Open AI

Chat GPT:

ChatGPT, short for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is like a πŸ€– chatty robot brain made by OpenAI. It’s super smart and learns from tons of human conversations and internet text. It can chat with you, answer questions, and even tell jokes if you ask nicely. You might find it in customer service bots, language translators, or even your own virtual buddy! πŸ˜„πŸš€

Hey there! πŸŽ‰ Who needs a genie in a lamp when you’ve got ChatGPT? It’s like your all-in-one buddy for advice, directions, writing blogs πŸ“, and even scripting your next blockbuster! With ChatGPT 3, 4, and the supercharged ChatGPT 4 Gemini πŸš€, it’s like having a whole squad of helpful pals. While ChatGPT 3 is limited to text generation. Newer versions like ChatGPT 4 and ChatGPT 4 Gemini offer advanced features….Need a graph πŸ“Š or a fancy Excel sheet and Vba codes ? No problemo! Just toss in the right prompt and voila! πŸ’« It’s like magic! ✨

Hey there! 🌟 So, if you’re looking for a free plan, Microsoft’s Copilot might do the trick for making images and graphs with Bing’s help. But let’s be honest, it’s like comparing a doodle to a masterpiece! 🎨 That’s where GPT 4 Gemini shines bright, giving you top-notch results. And hey, OpenAI’s got loads more cool stuff waiting for you – just log in and take a peek! πŸ’»βœ¨

Comparison between bots and ChatGPT:


  • Bots are automated programs designed to perform specific tasks or interact with users.
  • They follow predefined rules or scripts to carry out actions like answering questions or providing customer support.
  • Bots are often used in customer service, e-commerce, and social media.


  • ChatGPT is an AI model that can engage in conversations and generate human-like text.
  • It doesn’t rely on predefined rules but generates responses based on the context of the conversation.
  • ChatGPT is used in applications like virtual assistants, chatbots, and content generation platforms.

In short, bots are task-oriented and follow rules, while ChatGPT is more flexible and adapts to conversation contexts.

Next if i say it will be on online apps & website for making video & images using AI

1. πŸ” Search Online: Open your browser and search for “AI tool to make video or images”.

2. πŸ–±οΈExplore Results: Browse through the results and check out different options.

3. πŸ’³Check Plans: Some are free, others cost money. Look for what fits your budget.

4. βœ…Choose a Tool: Click on one that catches your eye and learn more.

5. πŸ“Sign Up (if needed): Create an account if required. It’s like joining a fun club! πŸŽ‰

6. 🎬Enter Prompt or Script: Type in your idea and let the magic begin! ✨

7. 🎨Generate Content: Watch as your creation comes to life! 🌟

8. ✏️Edit (if needed): Tweak the slides to make them perfect. Add some sparkle! ✨

9. πŸš€Explore and Enjoy: Your masterpiece is ready! Share it with the world and feel proud! 🎨Now go have fun and show off your awesome creations! 🌟

So, go ahead and give it a try! Who knows what amazing creations you’ll come up with? πŸš€πŸŽ¨

AI extends beyond text and graphics. There are online tools that generate videos based on provided prompts, offering options to edit video slides as well. However, it’s crucial to balance the use of AI with maintaining creativity, as overreliance on AI can stifle originality.

Moreover, AI finds applications in various fields such as email automation, voice calls, and machine learning, impacting daily activities and industries…. As I discussed in my earlier prompt.. blog post on AI you can get an idea about use of AI its boon and bane….. for more insights on AI , you can refer to articles like the one linked below:….

Reference Link:

These are all the things or stuffs one can experiment on….

There are many topics that can be discussed but today I took AIπŸ˜…. Since we all use it😁. Hope you found it informative folks!!! If any suggestion let me know in the comments below πŸ™‚. And do explore the AI journey!!!!!

AI is like having a pet robot πŸ€– that’s constantly learning new tricks. Just make sure it doesn’t learn to order pizza without you! πŸ•πŸ˜„

Have a good dayπŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‡


Rittu Sara Raju.

Posted in Daily Prompt

Risk if it’s many… πŸ˜…

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

Taking a dual master degreeπŸ˜…

Dual master degree which was completely new for me….done my Bachelors in Chemistry and Masters in microbiology but somehow completed faced lot of problems during my thesis wherin my 6 months project I have to complete within 20days to 1 month that was the time I got wherein others took 6 months….πŸ˜…πŸ˜….But somehow completed….Thanks to God….πŸ™‚

Regret not felt in the sense I can atleast say I have Masters degree because to get one if I say is not easy and I got one is great although I couldn’t submit or present my thesis upto my hardwork …..due to lack of time and misguidance of information of my batch collegues saying these information was given by guide. Should have directly approached the guide regarding things……πŸ˜…

Wherin, I was right with things and findings….should have listen to myheart πŸ˜…… was other department collegues & old friends who helped me…..cleared certain doubts….because i have done chemistry……but doing this way i learned a lot in microbiology as well…..Anyways I have one Masters degree to say….now doing again one hoping for good🀞.

I roamed whole college during that time and made friends from different department πŸ˜‚.I roamed so much in college to different labs for work , that i once lost my purse🀣🀣  due to which i had to block my card…πŸ˜…….Anyways i  finished my project in given timeπŸ˜…

We all take risks if I am not wrong. Anyways…only positive.


Rittu Sara RajuπŸ™‚

Posted in Daily Prompt

Taking advantage of your kindness….and may be many things…..πŸ˜… Which I can’t share here…..πŸ™‚

Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

Today the world has became so selfish that it has became so difficult to know who is right who is wrong.

According  to many studies conducted and my observations, it is said that you can never have friends at your workplace because they come there or make one only for their selfish means like for promotion and all. And if you are good in something its like some may not really like it, they may praise outside and inside they are jelous. Never ever be under such traps. Good people and open they will support you.

You’ll may think why I am saying things its because whenever I go for an interview just think u may be knowing like why you are pursuing some degree or course right, its to enhance your learning or knowledge but people there also ask why you are studying this course , why you are doing this bla bla….? Even knowing its a genuine degree…..I guess that also some people don’t like because someone younger than you is more aware right….And they even stole your ideas…..It’s not about stealing if you want or learn something ask gueniently….not after pinpointing right…..Anyways I am not an experienced person but those who are experienced may be knowing all these stuff…….

As a whole a good leader or good people will never do that they always encourage or appreciate you….

A leader is what needed I this world not a dominator…..

Next if I say, Friends are made in your college, School or other places not at Work places. 1% to 2% from 100 you can get such friends at your workplace very few you should know to recognize it. Showing kindess or helping…. through that also someone can take advantage of you…..helping such people you will always feel uncomfortable. But helping genuine people you will never feel uncomfortable……

Yaa anyways I am in learning phase and neither I am here to judge anyone. Because we don’t know how everyone is. Good people also exist in this worldπŸ˜…. So yaa….Everyone has their own view….

Have a nice day folks!!!

Rittu Sara RajuπŸ™‚

Posted in Daily Prompt

I use it for works…and social connectionπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‡πŸ˜ƒ

How do you use social media?

Social media can be both a boon and a bane, depending on how we utilize it. Personally, I leverage it for staying connected with old friends, colleagues, and family.

Additionally, I utilize it as a platform to promote my blogs and vlogs, share knowledge, and even as a source for learning. This is how I use every one has their view.

These are some of the examples I have shared below about boons and banes of social media…..

Here are some easy-to-understand examples of the benefits or “boons” of social media:

1. Instant Communication:

Social media platforms allow you to communicate instantly with friends, family, and colleagues, regardless of distance, through messages, voice calls, or video chats.

2. Networking Opportunities:

Social media provides a platform to connect with professionals in your field, join industry groups, and discover job opportunities, making networking easier and more accessible.

3. Creative Expression:

Whether through photos, videos, or written posts, social media offers a space for creative expression and sharing your passions with a wide audience.

4. Information Sharing:

Stay informed about current events, trends, and developments in your areas of interest through news updates, articles, and discussions shared on social media.

5. Community Building:

Join online communities and groups based on shared interests, hobbies, or causes to connect with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and support one another.By leveraging these benefits, social media can enhance your personal and professional life, foster connections, and provide valuable opportunities for growth and learning.

Here are some examples of the downsides or “banes” of social media:

1. Privacy Concerns:

Social media platforms often collect vast amounts of personal data, which can be exploited for targeted advertising or even unauthorized access by malicious actors or hackers.

2. Misinformation and Fake News:

The rapid spread of false information on social media can lead to misunderstandings, panic, and even real-world consequences.

3. Cyberbullying:

Social media provides a platform for anonymous or semi-anonymous harassment, leading to cyberbullying which can have serious psychological effects on individuals, especially young users.

4. Addiction and Time Wasting:

Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction, affecting productivity, mental health, and interpersonal relationships.

5. Filter Bubbles ( Only seeing What we like):

Social media algorithms often prioritize content that aligns with a user’s existing beliefs and preferences, creating filter bubbles that reinforce biases and limit exposure to diverse perspectives.

These are just a few examples, and the impact of these downsides can vary depending on individual experiences and usage patterns.

Ultimately, its impact is shaped by our individual usage.

What if i say to post pics :

“Behind every successful selfie, there are about 47 failed ones.” πŸ˜‚πŸ“Έ

I guess this selfie or photo drama we all go through while posting in social mediaπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚. What do you think folks!!! Let me know in the comments below……πŸ˜ƒ

“Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.” –

Amy Jo Martin


Rittu Sara RajuπŸ™‚πŸ™‚